Chapter: “Robotic Systems in Visceral Surgery”
Marecik S, Borsuk D, Kochar K, Park JJ in
Artificial Intelligence and the Perspective of Autonomous Surgery by Karcz, Nawrat, Gumbs; Springer
Published Nov 2024 –
Disparities in Screening for Colorectal Cancer Based on Limited Language Proficiency.
Cataneo JL, Kim TD, Park JJ, Marecik S, Kochar K.
Am Surg. 2022 May 31: Online ahead of print.
PMID: 35642266 –
Correlation of Tumor Response Between Flexible Sigmoidoscopy and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Therapy for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: A Retrospective Review.
Rojas MA, Cataneo J, Gagnon-Konamna M, Borsuk DJ, Jarzabek AJ, Marecik SJ, Park JJ, Kochar K.
Am Surg. 2022 May 26:Online ahead of print.
PMID: 35617529 –
Chapter “Robotic Abdomino-Perineal Resection (APER)”.
Marecik S, Kochar K, Park JJ.
Robotic Colorectal Surgery: Complete Manual of Surgical Techniques by Khan, Coyne.
Published Nov 2022 –
Use of Botulinum Toxin Injections for the Treatment of Chronic Anal Fissure: Results From an American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Survey
Borsuk DJ, Studniarek A, Park JJ, Marecik SJ, Mellgren A, Kochar K.
Am Surg. 2021 Jun 7:. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 34092078 –
Rectourethral Fistula Repair With Endorectal Advancement Flap and Implantation of Biologic Mesh.
Kim TD, Gantt G Jr, Kochar K, Marecik S, Park JJ.
Dis Colon Rectum. 2021 Jan;64(1):e1.
PMID: 33306539 –
Chapter “Anal Fissure and Anal Stenosis”.
Tsikitis L, Marecik S.
The ASCRS Textbook of Colon and Rectal Surgery, 4th Edition by Steele, Hull, Hyman, Maykel, Read, Whithlow.
in press 2020 –
Chapter “Robot Assisted TME for Rectal Cancer”
Marecik SJ, Kochar K, Park JJ,
Robotic Surgery, 2nd edition, by Gharagozloo, Najam, Margolis, Poston, Meyer, and Satava
in press 2020
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Protocols. Does Frailty Play a Role?
Studniarek A, Borsuk DJ, Marecik SJ, Park JJ, Kochar K.
Am Surg. 2020 Dec 9. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 33295194
Protocol-Based Intravenous Fluid Hydration for Newly Created Ileostomies Decreases Readmissions Secondary to Dehydration.
Borsuk DJ, Studniarek A, Marecik SJ, Park JJ, Kochar K.
Am Surg. 2020 Dec 7. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 33280399
Feasibility Assessment of Outpatient Colorectal Resections at a Tertiary Referral Center
Studniarek A, Borsuk DJ, Kochar K, Park JJ, Marecik SJ.
Int J Colorectal Dis. 2020 Oct 22. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 33094353
Preclinical evaluation of the Versius surgical system, a new robot-assisted surgical device for use in minimal access general and colorectal procedures.
Morton J, Hardwick RH, Tilney HS, Gudgeon AM, Jah A, Stevens L, Marecik S, Slack M.
Surg Endosc. 2020 May 13. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 32405893
Redo Repair of a Recurrent Rectovaginal Fistula With Rectal Advancement Flap: Three-Layer Closure.
Studniarek A, Borsuk DJ, Trépanier JS, Kochar K, Park JJ, Marecik SJ.
Dis Colon Rectum. 2020 Jul;63(7)
PMID: 32271197
Chapter “Robotic Low Anterior Resection, Unique Considerations”
Marecik SJ, Kochar K, Park JJ
The SAGES Manual of Colorectal Surgery by Sylla et al.
Published 2019
Chapter “Robotic Abdominoperineal Resection”
Marecik S, Al-Khamis A, Kochar K, Park J
Advanced Techniques in Minimally Invasive and Robotic Colorectal Surgery
by Bardakcioglu et al.
Published 2019
Chapter “Intestinal Vaginoplasty”
Marecik SJ, Melich, G
Surgical Management of the Transgender Patient by Schechter, 2nd Ed.
in press
Robotic Combined Anterior & Posterior Repair of a Rectal Prolapse, Rectocele, and Sigmoidocele with a Mesh.
Borsuk D, Studniarek A, Gantt G, Kochar K, Marecik S.
Pol Przegl Chir. 2019 Oct 10;91(5):34-37.
PMID: 31702576
Robotic excision of a difficult retrorectal cyst – a video vignette.
Borsuk DJ, Studniarek A, Al-Khamis A, Kochar K, Park JJ, Marecik SJ.
Colorectal Dis. 2019 Sep 25. doi: 10.1111/codi.14862. [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available.
PMID: 31553113
Current Status and Future of Robotic Colorectal Surgery.
Marecik S, Kochar K, Park JJ.
Dis Colon Rectum. 2019 Sep;62(9):1025-1027
PMID: 31397751
Epidurals Preclude Ultra-Fast Discharges After Colorectal Resections.
Marecik SJ, Borsuk DJ, Studniarek A, Kochar K, Park J.
Dis Colon Rectum. 2019 Jul;62(7):e405.
PMID: 31188193
Z-Plasty Perineal Hernia Repair Using Biologic Mesh After Abdominoperineal Resection.
Kim TD, Calata JF, Tremblay JF, Welch B, Kochar K, Marecik S, Park JJ.
Dis Colon Rectum. 2019 Jul;62(7):893.
PMID: 31188191
Carbon Dioxide Embolism Associated With Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision Surgery: A Report From the International Registries.
Dickson EA, Penna M, Cunningham C, Ratcliffe FM, Chantler J, Crabtree NA, Tuynman JB, Albert MR, Monson JRT, Hompes R; International TaTME Registry Collaborative. (Collaborators: Marecik et al)
Dis Colon Rectum. 2019 Jul;62(7):794-801
PMID: 31188179
Modified Frailty Index Predicts Early Outcomes After Colorectal Surgery: an ACS-NSQIP Study.
Al-Khamis A, Warner C, Park J, Marecik S, Davis N, Mellgren A, Nordenstam J, Kochar K.
Colorectal Dis. 2019 Jun 4. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 31162882
Rectal Cancer Complete Response Outcomes in a Community-Based Hospital Comparable with Large Cancer Centers When Multidisciplinary Approach to Rectal Cancer Is Used.
Geiser AJ, Al-Khamis A, Patel S, Sugrue J, Borsuk DJ, Marecik S, Kochar K, Park JJ.
Am Surg. 2019 May 1;85(5):530-538.
PMID: 31126368
Anovaginal fistula repair with sphincteroplasty and levatorplasty – a video vignette.
Rojas MA, Kochar K, Park JJ, Marecik S.
Colorectal Dis. 2019 May 11. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 31077536
Active post discharge surveillance program as a part of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery protocol decreases emergency department visits and readmissions in colorectal patients.
Borsuk DJ, Al-Khamis A, Geiser AJ, Zhou D, Warner C, Kochar K, Marecik SJ.
Surg Endosc. 2019 Mar 11. doi: 10.1007/s00464-019-06725-x. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 30859488
Robotic Resection of Presacral (Retrorectal) Tumors and Waldeyer’s Fascia.
Marecik SJ, Al-Khamis A, Kochar K, Park JJ.
Dis Colon Rectum. 2018 Jul;61(7):e351-e352
PMID: 29771805
Rectal Dissection Simulator for da Vinci Surgery: Details of Simulator Manufacturing With Evidence of Construct, Face, and Content Validity.
Melich G, Pai A, Shoela R, Kochar K, Patel S, Park J, Prasad L, Marecik S.
Dis Colon Rectum. 2018 Apr;61(4):514-519
Local parastomal hernia repair with biological mesh is safe and effective.
Hufford T, Tremblay J, Mustafa Sheikh T, Marecik S, Park J, Zamfirova I, Kochar K.
Am J Surg. 2018 Jan;215(1):88-90
PMID: 28882360
Chapter “Rectal Anatomy: Clinical Perspective”
Marecik SJ, Park JJ, Prasad LM
Rectal Cancer: Modern Approaches to Treatment by Chang et al.
Published Dec 2017
The Impact of Obesity on the Perioperative, Clinicopathologic, and Oncologic Outcomes of Robot Assisted Total Mesorectal Excision for Rectal Cancer.
Pai A, Alsabhan F, Park JJ, Melich G, Sulo S, Marecik SJ.
Pol Przegl Chir. 2017 Aug 31;89(4):23-28
PMID: 28905801
Sphincter-Sparing Anal Fistula Repair: Are We Getting Better?
Sugrue J, Mantilla N, Abcarian A, Kochar K, Marecik S, Chaudhry V, Mellgren A, Nordenstam J.
Dis Colon Rectum. 2017 Oct;60(10):1071-1077
PMID: 28891851
Chapter “Robotic Colorectal Surgery for Neoplasia”
Pai A, Marecik S, Park J, Prasad L.
Advances in Colorectal Neoplasia by Langenfeld
Surg Clin North Am. 2017 Jun;97(3):561-572
PMID: 28501247
Sacral Nerve Stimulation Can Be an Effective Treatment for Low Anterior Resection Syndrome.
Eftaiha SM, Balachandran B, Marecik SJ, Mellgren A, Nordenstam J, Melich G, Prasad LM, Park JJ.
Colorectal Dis. 2017 May 6
PMID: 28477435
Promising times in rectal cancer treatment
Marecik S, Park JJ
Current Medicine Research and Practice, Mar-Apr 2017, vol. 7, issue 2, 39-40
Chapter “Complications of Rectovaginal Fistula Treatment”
Marecik SJ, Abcarian A, Prasad LM
Complications of Anorectal Surgery: Prevention and Managment by Abcarian, Cintron, Nelson et al.
Published Apr 2017
No clinical benefit from routine histologic examination of stapler doughnuts at low anterior resection for rectal cancer.
Sugrue J, Dagbert F, Park J, Marecik S, Prasad LM, Chaudhry V, Blumetti J, Emmadi R, Mellgren A, Nordenstam J.
Surgery. 2017 Feb 7. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 28187868
Prospective analysis of the sealing ability of the ENSEAL® G2 Articulating Tissue Sealer and transector on human mesenteric vessels in colorectal surgery.
Balachandran B, Melich G, Mustafa T, Marecik SJ, Prasad LM, Gonzalez M, Sulo S, Dabbous F, Park JJ.
Tech Coloproctol. 2017 Jan 31. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 28144764
Bio-Thiersch as an Adjunct to Perineal Proctectomy Reduces Rates of Recurrent Rectal Prolapse.
Eftaiha SM, Calata JF, Sugrue JJ, Marecik SJ, Prasad LM, Mellgren A, Nordenstam J, Park JJ.
Dis Colon Rectum. 2017 Feb;60(2):187-193
PMID: 28059915
Risk Factors for Postdischarge Venous Thromboembolism After Colorectal Surgery.
Pai A, Paul S, Ahamed A, Park JJ, Marecik SJ, Prasad LM, Raghunath KJ.
Dis Colon Rectum. 2016 Nov;59(11):e447. No abstract available.
PMID: 27749489
Wide local excision of perianal Paget’s disease with gluteal flap reconstruction: an interdisciplinary approach.
Borsuk DJ, Melich G, Sugrue J, Calata J, Seitz IA, Park JJ, Prasad LM, Marecik SJ.
J Vis Surg. 2016 Sep 19;2:159
PMID: 29078544
Omental Pedicle Flap Does Not Decrease the Incidence of Bowel Obstruction after Abdominoperineal Resection.
Kochar K, Marecik S, Prasad LM, Park J.
Am Surg. 2016 Nov 1;82(11):328-330.
PMID: 28206927
Robotic site adjusted levator transection for carcinoma of the rectum: A modification of the existing cylindrical abdominoperineal resection for eccentrically located tumors
Pai A, Eftaiha S, Melich G, Park J, Lin PL, Prasad LM, Marecik SJ
World J Surg. 2016 Oct 24. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 27778072
Endoscopic control of enterocutaneous fistula by dual intussuscepting stent technique.
Melich G, Pai A, Balachandran B, Marecik SJ, Prasad LM, Park JJ
Surg Endosc. 2016 Sep;30(9):4150-1
PMID: 27501730
Chapter “Intestinal Vaginoplasty”
Marecik SJ, Schechter L
Surgical Management of the Transgender Patient by Schechter L
Published Sep 2016
Chapter “Complications of Rectovaginal Fistula Treatment”
Marecik SJ, Abcarian A, Prasad LM
Complications of Anorectal Surgery by Abcarian, Cintron, Nelson et al.
Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision: Save the Nerves and Urethra
Marecik SJ, Pai A, Sheikh T, Park JJ, Prasad LM
Dis Colon Rectum. 2016 Jul;59(7):e410-4
PMID: 27270528
Robot Assisted Abdominoperineal Resection: Clinical, Pathologic, and Oncologic Outcomes
Eftaiha S, Pai A, Sulo S, Park JJ, Prasad LM, Marecik SJ
Dis Colon Rectum. 2016 Jul;59(7):607-14
PMID: 27270512
Timing Of Intestinal Anastomotic Leaks: When Can We Stop Worrying?
Melich G, Kochar K, Pai A, Coralic J, Marecik S, Park J, Prasad L.
World Journal of Colorectal Surgery: Vol. 6 : Iss. 3, Article 1. 2016
Sacral nerve stimulation in the treatment of bowel dysfunction from imperforate anus: A case report.
Eftaiha SM, Melich G, Pai A, Marecik SJ, Prasad LM, Park JJ.
Int J Surg Case Rep. 2016;24:115-8
PMID: 27236579
Safety and efficacy of an electrothermal bipolar vessel sealing device in sealing and division of the inferior mesenteric vessels in minimally invasive colorectal surgery.
Pai A, Sugrue J, Bibi S, Melich G, Marecik S, Prasad LM, Park J.
Tech Coloproctol. 2016 Jul;20(7):505-6
PMID: 27170282
Combining all forces: abdominoperineal resection in an obese male.
Alsabhan F, Eftaiha S, Pai A, Prasad LM, Park JJ, Marecik SJ.
J Vis Surg. 2016 Apr 19;2:83
PMID: 29078510
Repair of a recurrent traumatic rectovaginal fistula using vaginal wall plication to reinforce a rectal wall advancement flap.
Sugrue J, Kaminski J, Patel S, Park J, Prasad L, Marecik S.
J Vis Surg. 2016 Mar 24;2:65
PMID: 29078493
Robot-assisted approach to a retrorectal lesion in an obese female.
Eftaiha SM, Kochar K, Pai A, Park JJ, Prasad LM, Marecik SJ.
J Vis Surg. 2016 Mar 21;2:59
PMID: 29078487
Structured training and competence assessment in colorectal robotic surgery. Results of a consensus experts round table.
Petz W, Spinoglio G, Choi GS, Parvaiz A, Santiago C, Marecik S, Giulianotti PC, Bianchi PP.
Int J Med Robot. 2016 Jan 25. doi: 10.1002/rcs.1731.
PMID: 26804812
Transverse incision transvaginal rectocele repair combined with levatorplasty and biological graft insertion: technical details and case series outcomes
Melich G, Pai A, Kwak M, Bibi S, Marecik S, Park J, Prasad LM.
Tech Coloproctol. 2016 Jan;20(1):51-7
PMID: 26577572
Chapter “Robotic Approaches in the Obese Patient”
Pai A, Marecik SJ, Park JJ, Prasad LM in Robotic Approaches to Colorectal Surgery by Ross, Champaigne, Lee et al.
Published Oct 2015
Oncologic and Clinicopathological Outcomes of Robot-assisted Total Mesorectal Excision for Rectal Cancer
Pai A, Marecik SJ, Melich G, Sulo S, Park JJ, Prasad LM
Dis Colon Rectum. 2015 Jul;58(7):659-67
PMID: 26200680
Perineal proctectomy with bio-thiersch procedure for complete rectal prolapse with fecal incontinence.
Calata JF, Pai A, Marecik S, Prasad LM, Park JJ.
Dis Colon Rectum. 2015 Apr;58(4):e45
PMID: 25751805
Chapter “Teaching advanced laparoscopic skills in colorectal surgery”
Marecik SJ, Bergamaschi R
Training in Minimal Access Surgery, by Francis, Fingerhut, Bergamaschi
Published 2015
Current status of robotic surgery for rectal cancer: A bird’s eye view.
Pai A, Melich G, Marecik SJ, Park JJ, Prasad LM.
J Minim Access Surg. 2015 Jan-Mar;11(1):29-34
PMID: 25598596
Role of epidural and patient-controlled analgesia in site-specific laparoscopic colorectal surgery.
Kamiński JP, Pai A, Ailabouni L, Park JJ, Marecik SJ, Prasad LM, Abcarian H.
JSLS. 2014 Oct;18(4)
PMID: 25419110
Sealing of vessels larger than 7 millimeters using enseal in porcine aorta.
Bibi S, Alblawi S, Velchuru V, Thripuraneni G, Quinteros F, Coralic J, Marecik S, Park J, Prasad LM.
JSLS. 2014 Jul;18(3)
PMID: 2539261
Should anastomotic assessment with flexible sigmoidoscopy be routine following laparoscopic restorative left colorectal resection?
Kamal T, Pai A, Velchuru V, Zawadzki M, Park J, Marecik S, Abcarian H, Prasad L.
Colorectal Dis. 2014 Oct 30
PMID: 25359528
Midgut volvulus presenting with acute chylous peritonitis.
Pai A, Park JJ, Marecik SJ, Prasad LM.
Clin Case Rep. 2014 Aug;2(4):159-61
PMID: 25356277
A Randomized Study on 1-Week Versus 4-Week Prophylaxis for Venous Thromboembolism After Laparoscopic Surgery for Colorectal Cancer. Commentary
Pai A, Hurtuk MG, Park JJ, Marecik SJ, Prasad LM.
Ann Surg. 2014 Sep 10
PMID: 25211266
A prospective study of in vivo and ex vivo sealing of the human inferior mesenteric artery using an electrothermal bipolar vessel-sealing device.
Bibi S, Coralic J, Velchuru V, Quinteros F, Marecik S, Park J, Prasad LM.
J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2014 Jul;24(7):471-4
PMID: 24987843
Management of Anastomotic Leak: Lessons Learned from a Large Colon and Rectal Surgery Training Program.
Blumetti J, Chaudhry V, Cintron JR, Park JJ, Marecik S, Harrison JL, Prasad LM, Abcarian H.
World J Surg. 2014 Apr;38(4):985-91
PMID: 24305917
Spontaneous ureterocolic fistula secondary to diverticulitis: report of a case and review of literature.
Pai A, Coralic J, Park JJ, Marecik S, Prasad LM.
Int J Colorectal Dis. 2014 Mar;29(3):417-8
PMID: 24322738
Obesity increases the risk of postoperative peripheral neuropathy after minimally invasive colon and rectal surgery.
Velchuru VR, Domajnko B, Desouza A, Marecik S, Prasad LM, Park JJ, Abcarian H.
Dis Colon Rectum. 2014 Feb;57(2):187-93.
PMID: 24401880
Robot-assisted right colectomy: surgical technique and review of the literature.
Witkiewicz W, Zawadzki M, Rząca M, Obuszko Z, Czarnecki R, Turek J, Marecik S
Wideochir Inne Tech Malo Inwazyjne. 2013 Sep;8(3):253-7 Epub 2013 Mar 6.
PMID: 24130643
Is Hybrid Robotic Laparoscopic Assistance the Ideal Approach for Rectal Cancer Dissection?
Zawadzki M, Velchuru VR, Albawi S, Marecik SJ, Park JJ, Prasad LM
Colorectal Dis. 2013 Aug;15(8):1026-32 Epub 2012 Dec 12.
PMID: 23528255
American College of Surgeons Video Anthology Collections (Ciné-Med)
VA-33: Colorectal V: Advanced I
ACS-3130 Robotic Abdominoperineal Resection with Sacrectomy
VA-34: Colorectal VI: Advanced II
ACS-3133 Intersphincteric Dissection Followed by Robotic Abdominoperineal Resection for Anterior Rectal Cancer
ACS-3289 Rectocele Repair, Transvaginal Technique with Mesh and Levatorplasty
New release Nov 2013
Endoclip closure of a large colonic perforation following colonoscopic leiomyoma excision.
Velchuru VR, Zawadzki M, Levin AL, Bouchard CM, Marecik S, Prasad LM, Park JJ.
JSLS. 2013 Jan-Mar;17(1):152-5
PMID: 23743390
Chapter “Laparoscopic Colon and Rectal Surgery”
Marecik SJ, Bergamaschi R
Corman’s Colon and Rectal Surgery 6th Edition by Corman M
Published Oct 2012
Chapter “Robotic Left Colon Resections”
Prasad LM, Marecik SJ
Master Techniques in Colon and Rectal Surgery by Fleshman J, Wexner S
Published Jan 2012
Robotic Cylindrical Abdominoperineal Resection with Intraabdominal Levator Transection
Marecik SJ, Zawadzki M, deSouza AL, Park JJ, Abcarian H, Prasad L
Dis Colon Rectum. 2011 Oct;54(10):1320-5
PMID: 21904149
Incisional hernia, midline versus low transverse incision: what is the ideal incision for specimen extraction and hand-assisted laparoscopy?
deSouza A, Domajnko B, Park J, Marecik S, Prasad L, Abcarian H.
Surg Endosc. 2011 Apr;25(4):1031-6.
PMID: 20737171
A Comparison of Robotic and Open Total Mesorectal Excision for Rectal Adenocarcinoma.
deSouza AL, Prasad LM, Ricci J, Zimmern A, Marecik SJ, Park JJ, Abcarian H.
Dis Colon Rectum. 2011 Mar;54(3):275-82
PMID: 21304296
The evolving role of robotic colorectal surgery – the importance of comparative studies.
deSouza AL, Prasad LM, Marecik SJ, Park JJ, Blumetti J, Abcarian H.
Dis Colon Rectum. 2011 Mar;54(3):376; author reply 376-7
PMID: 21304314
Total Mesorectal Excision for Rectal Cancer: The Potential Advantage of Robotic Assistance.
deSouza AL, Prasad LM, Marecik SJ, Blumetti J, Park JJ, Zimmern A, Abcarian H.
Dis Colon Rectum. 2010 Dec;53(12):1611-1617.
PMID: 21178854
Robotic assistance in right hemicolectomy: is there a role?
deSouza AL, Prasad LM, Park JJ, Marecik SJ, Blumetti J, Abcarian H.
Dis Colon Rectum. 2010 Jul;53(7):1000-6.
PMID: 20551751
Robotic colon and rectal surgery: a series of 131 cases.
Zimmern A, Prasad L, Desouza A, Marecik S, Park J, Abcarian H.
World J Surg. 2010 Aug;34(8):1954-8.
PMID: 20458584
Endoscopic-assisted closure of a chronic colocutaneous fistula.
Prasad LM, deSouza AL, Blumetti J, Marecik SJ, Park JJ.
Gastrointest Endosc. 2010 Sep;72(3):662-4.
PMID: 20417508
Robotic pursestring technique in low anterior resection.
Prasad LM, deSouza AL, Marecik SJ, Park JJ, Abcarian H.
Dis Colon Rectum. 2010 Feb;53(2):230-4.
PMID: 20087100
Robotic Colorectal Surgery – Teaching and Skill Acquisition
Marecik SJ, deSouza AL, Prasad LM
Semin Colon Rect Surg, 2009 Dec;20(4):201-6
Evaluation of midlevel and upper-level residents performing their first robotic-sutured intestinal anastomosis.
Marecik SJ, Prasad LM, Park JJ, Jan A, Chaudhry V.
Am J Surg. 2008 Mar;195(3):333-7; discussion 337-8.
PMID: 18206847
A lifelike patient simulator for teaching robotic colorectal surgery: how to acquire skills for robotic rectal dissection.
Marecik SJ, Prasad LM, Park JJ, Pearl RK, Evenhouse RJ, Shah A, Khan K, Abcarian H.
Surg Endosc. 2008 Aug;22(8):1876-81.
PMID: 18163166
Single-stapled double-pursestring anastomosis after anterior resection of the rectum.
Marecik SJ, Chaudhry V, Pearl R, Park JJ, Prasad LM.
Am J Surg. 2007 Mar;193(3):395-9.
PMID: 17320542
A comparison of robotic, laparoscopic, and hand-sewn intestinal sutured anastomoses performed by residents.
Marecik SJ, Chaudhry V, Jan A, Pearl RK, Park JJ, Prasad LM.
Am J Surg. 2007 Mar;193(3):349-55; discussion 355.
PMID: 17320533